I sometimes find it funny that Duke Raus has such a reputation for being a swell guy. Between keeping 90% of all loot (5% Fair Share plus 5% Leader’s Portion), it is worth remembering how he treats thieves / Theft.
The duke promises to pursue thieves, and to subject the thieves to the same ruling they would get if his own goods were stolen. The following lines quote the duke’s own laws of possession. “Any person employed by me who is found to possess an object vouchsafed as my own possession will forfeit all rights and safety of life, limb, and future, and his soul will be at the mercy of my good will.” Furthermore, the duke’s habit is to chop off the hands of petty thieves who snitch from his servants on the streets of Pavis, so his reputation as a source of justice is that “Far from him his justice is deadly, and harsher near his pocketbook.”