One of the odd cognitive dissonances I often see when people discuss RuneQuest cults is the interplay between these two ideas:
- Game mechanics define things consistently throughout the setting, and all exceptions must be spelled out. Mechanics as dogma.
- Cults vary from location to location, with a different collection of stories, sometimes contradicting generally accepted cult myths. We all know Hera is the consort of Zeus, but at Dodona the consort of Zeus is Dione and everyone accepts that elsewhere Hera is the consort, just not here. Here’s where we celebrate something else. Gloranthan cults work along the lines of Case 2. Minlister is some places the god of mead, in others wine, and still others of beer or ale. And any Minlister initiate is going to be fine with that. They all see the god and experience him {or even sometimes her}. Now the God Learners tried hard to reconcile stories and make things work more along the lines of Case 1, but beyond some big picture things, they barely scratched the surface.
Now personally I don’t subscribe to Case 1 even for game rules, but I understand that is a bridge too far for a lot of gaming groups!
An initiate of a cult sacrifices POW for Rune Points that can be used to cast any Rune spell the initiate knows. An initiate can replenish their Rune Points at any site sacred to the god, although she might not be able to learn the spell at that site.
In a world where the gods and magic are far more real we actually end up with more acceptance of local variation and acceptance of variations in divine experience.