Just a quick status report on the Argan Argar Atlas Sneak Peak – Rick and I are working on getting them in a format that is both reviewable and also functional for us. Should be finished soon, although we will need to emphasize that this will NOT be the final layout of the maps (we will have more plates, which means more pages), but everything is there.
What’s up with the odd glowline boundaries – the ones that aren’t neat circles, follow rivers, etc? The Glowline does not follow neat circles. There is a network of Temples of the Reaching Moon (seven currently, not including the Great Sister’s independent temple). Each temple pushes the Glowline out beyond its core radius of 115 miles, following the magical geography of the land. In some areas the Glowline is magically drawn (like the Mad Sultanate), while in other areas it gets pushed back (such as near the Yolp Mountains or in Dragon Pass). The Glowline itself expands and contracts – like a bunch of cats in a bag is the metaphor Greg used. And sometimes, one of the temples in the chain fail, causing the Glowline in whole sections of the Empire to fail.
This was posted on Google+. Tapatalk archive.
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Page Last updated: 2024-04-21 18:31:03