We all know about the Machine God, that strange Saviour Machine experiment of the God Learners, but as part of an experiment with the University of Yoranday, the God Learners also created…
Search Results for: "God Learners"
So what do your adventurers know about Illumination?
So what do your adventurers know about Illumination (as opposed to players)? If you notice Illumination is pretty much unmentioned in the core rules, Lightbringers, and Earth Goddess books. There is a…
CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – G
Page numbers refer to the Guide to Glorantha: G (pages 768-771) Gabaryanga 553, 562 Gadaringer dynasty 193 Gadmus 712 Gadmusland 712 Gagark Evil Mouth 247 Gagarth 364, 651, 666 Gagarth winds 666…
The Entropy of Time
The Broken Council, God Learners, Empire of the Wyrms Friends, and the Lunar Empire all shared the same progression of endless new possibilities and optimistic enthusiasm that later becomes overtaken by ambitious…
ISS2003 Sartar Companion – Index
This is the index for the Moon Design Publication the Sartar Companion. To go to a specific section of the index, click on the letters below. A B C D E F G…
Machine City and God Forgot
As we all know, magic is the result of drawing upon the timeless and eternal “God Time” to affect the material world of Time. And so sorcery as a magic system is…
Path of Immanent Mastery
Mystery cult of dragon power The members of this secret organization can transform themselves into dragons. Initiates claim that their dragon powers prove the cult’s power and verify its truth. God Learners…
Library of Londarios: The Kings of Seshnela, Part Two (1999)
This list is a compilation which names the Kings of Seshnela. Sort of. It actually shows the names of the dominant overlords in the land of Seshnela. Except in the first century,…
ISS4001 King of Sartar 2nd Edition – Index
Page numbers refer to the King of Sartar 2nd Edition: Numbers (Dates) 375 ST 43, 97, 99, 171 575 ST 115, 155 700 ST 6, 156, 223, 227 920 ST 171, 223,…
Myth of the Month: Malkioni Otherworld (2001)
The Sorcery World is the Western Otherworld Sorcery means here any magic in the material world (a.k.a. the Center World, the Shared World, etc.). whose origin is that Otherworld. Their system comes…
MGP8191 The Abiding Book (2010)
The Abiding Book is the most sacred of all God Learner scriptures. Written by the hand of the Invisible God himself it documents the mythical history of the Malkioni, prescribes the nature…
Myth of the Month: Enemy Gods of the Orlanthi (2001)
Most deities have one or more specific, notable foes. Those foes were (usually) defeated in mythic times, resulting in the creation of the current world, and may be considered to be a…
Hero Wars: Beyond Humanity (2000)
Originally part of ISS1102 Glorantha, Introduction to the Hero Wars – Last revision: 15 Dec 2000 Realms other than the center of the world exist. Humans teem in the center, clustered on…
ISS1103 Anaxial’s Roster – Index
PDF and corrected text of the original index. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X…
History of Dragon Pass in the Second Age
Here are some notes that I’ve compiled about the so-called Empire of the Wyrms Friends. Of interest here is to note that there is actually no period when they called themselves by…
Ω The Aeolian Church (2000)
Note! This cult is a work in progress. It is not complete and the details may be changed in the future. Please note this article is from 2000 and is considered deprecated….
Notes on The Arrowsmith Dynasty (860-940)
I’ve assembled a few notes and cut and paste them together to get a good overview of the rise and fall of the Arrowsmith Dynasty of Pavis. There’s a LOT in here,…
Doom Guardians (2012)
Submitted by GianniVacca on Sun, 24/06/2012 – 11:44 The Jrusteli, most learned and least wise of the Empires, are the best example of the conquerors of nature. Their scholars were called the…
Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha book
I am wrapping up the final text of the Gods and Goddesses of Glorantha book, while making sure that it all ties into both the new Heroquesting chapters in the GM Sourcebook…
CHA4041 Mythology – Index
CHA4041 Cults of RuneQuest: Mythology (2023) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S S (cont.) T U V W X…
Lhankor Mhy the Knowing God
Another remarkable Gloranthan deity is the Knowing God, Lhankor Mhy. Also found around the world, he’s generally given credit for creating writing so that mortals might store knowledge. Lhankor Mhy is the…
Manifestations of Gods
The Loki television series has me thinking about the Gods of Glorantha. One way of looking at the cults is they are groups of people who gather around to worship the named…
Empty-Head’s Tale – Another God Learner text
Another God Learner text for your enjoyment! The following is a folk tale in one form or another among the peoples of the whole continent of Genertela. Its widespread distribution is indicative…
ISS3003 The Fortunate Succession – Index
Page numbers refer to the 2013 PDF Edition: Numbers 10 Sons and Servants 17 17, Families, 17, 24 70 Families, 9, 10 700, Families 8 A accoutrements 6, 10 Adayen 86 Aegrastus…
Sorcery serves only mortal will
I’ve posted a few thoughts on the dilemma of how mortals interact with the God Time, and how to understand the gods so that mortals might wield a fraction of their power…