Humakt is a favorite player character cult in RuneQuest and no wonder! The cult is for the professional warrior, the mercenary, the holy killer, but is also tempered by a strict code…
Search Results for: Humakt
The Path of Humakt
The path of Humakt is as sharp and severe as the edge of a sword. Humakt has no associated cults – you need to worship him directly to gain his magic. Humakt…
God of Death and War Humakt is Death. He is the unyielding fate of all living creatures, both mortal and divine. To the Pelorians he is heartless, and can be circumvented only…
Greg Sez: How Many Humakti?
Question both posed and answered by Greg Stafford. After finishing work on the Cults of Sartar I am left with an image like an aftervision or something. I have stared at these…
Greg Sez: Humakt Illuminated? (Apr 1998)
Question From NICK GRANT. Answer by Greg Stafford. Q: The Great Monomyth, published at your online site, implies Osentalka/Nysalor/G’baji was Rashoran. Presumably the freedom from fear that Rashoran is said to have…
Humakt e.V. (DEU)
Humakt e.V. has been established in 2015. (The abbreviation “e.V.” stands for a registered association in Germany.) It is a small club of roleplaying and fantasy enthusiasts. In particular the focus is…
Humakt art preview
A preview from Loic Muzy showing how Humakt gets made!
The Humakti Duel
Although this has been posted before, here are the rules of Humakti duels as presented in the forthcoming Cults Book: The nature of the Code of Humakt is such that arguments, discussions,…
Honor and War
This section helps explain some of the peculiarities of Orlanth warfare: Some of the most important Orlanthi war gods demand that Death be wielded with honor and the Humakt cult upholds the…
Humakti: Geas Must Kill
Humakti Geas: Must kill. | Moon Design Publications Jump to Navigation Forums | Glorantha Discussions Humakti Geas: Must kill. Submitted by RoM on Thu, 02/05/2013 – 06:09 Glorantha Discussions After a long…
Hate (Lunar Empire)
It is worth contemplating that Hate (Lunar Empire) is not one of Orlanth’s Passions. But Honor is valued over all other passions by Orlanth – even Devotion, Love, and Loyalty. Most Orlanthi…
Safelster in the First Age (2013)
Sun, 16 Jun 2013 The following is part one of a series of Questions and Answers about Safelster and Ralios. The Enerali Peoples at the Dawn At the Dawn the four tribes…
Indrodar Greydog
Humakti Hero Local Hero cult specialising in killing undead. Write up Page Year Runes Notes Lightbringers 107 2023 per Rune spell Hero cult of:Humakt (Sartar) Prosopaedia 62 2023 Subcult of:Humakt (local) Sartar,…
Yan Starcere
Humakti Hero Write up Page Year Runes Notes Lightbringers 108 2023 None listed Hero cult of:Humakt Prosopaedia 137 2023 Hero cult of:Humakt Sartar, Kingdom of Heroes 171 2009 Subcult of:Humakt (Local) Storm…
Esprit de Corps
Gifts and Geases for Humakt Allied Spirits by Michael O’Brien Originally published in Tales of the Reaching Moon issue #5, the ‘Humakti Special’ (Spring 1991) An allied spirit, according to Gods of Glorantha,…
Li Phanquan
The Eastern Hero Li Phanquan wounded the evil vampire god Vivamort in the Underworld. Write up Page Year Runes Notes Lightbringers 108 2023 None listed Hero cult of:Humakt (Peloria, Kethaela, Maniria) Prosopaedia…
Makla Mann
Humakti Hero Write up Page Year Runes Notes Lightbringers 108 2023 per Rune spell Hero cult of:Humakt (Ralios, Maniria, western Peloria) Prosopaedia 81 2023 None listed Prosopaedia entrySubcult of:Humakt Storm Tribedeprecated 104…
Hero Wars FAQ (2000)
Version 1.2 Last revised 9 Jun 2000 Hero Wars (Player’s Book) Character Creation Q: Should we allow a character to lose an ability as one of his additional traits? Say, a Humakti…
Townspeople and tribesfolk
Probably the biggest social conflict among the Sartarites is between the roughly 30k “townspeople” and the 140k “tribesfolk”. One way of seeing the distinction is with cults. So for example, among the…
Changing Gods
A few more notes on Changing Gods. At the Dawn, the Thunderer and the Adventurer were often worshiped as separate gods. Pretty quickly the Theyalans recognised both as aspects of Orlanth, and…
War Gods in the Lunar Empire
The most important war god in the Lunar Empire is Yanafal Tarnils. All soldiers in the Lunar Army are lay members and probably a quarter of the Lunar Army are initiates of…
The Struggle for the Middle Air
The Red Goddess never made peace with the Air Gods, for there was none among her pantheon who could approach those deities on their own ground. There began, within history, a struggle…
Competition: Tell me about your Humakti
Submitted by Newtus on Wed, 04/07/2012 – 08:44 Hearts in Glorantha issue 5 is rapidly approaching print proof and I hope to have it out by Continuum at the end of the…
Hiia Swordsman
Humakti Hero Local Grazelander hero cult Write up Page Year Runes Notes Lightbringers 107 2023 per Rune spell Hero cult of:Humakt (Grazelands) Prosopaedia 56 2023 Prosopaedia entryHumakti Hero Storm Tribedeprecated 100 2001…