I’ve assembled a few notes and cut and paste them together to get a good overview of the rise and fall of the Arrowsmith Dynasty of Pavis. There’s a LOT in here,…
Tag: Joraz
Why did Pavis build his City?
Big picture – We all know the basic story – in 830 after many years and preparations, Pavis and his companions snuck deep into Dagori Inkarth and animated the Faceless Statue. He…
Why was Old Pavis so big?
Now I don’t mean why were the walls so big – that was Paragua’s doing. He smashed the little settlement of Robcradle (which was probably around 3 hectares or a little bigger…
Notes on the Big Rubble
The Big Rubble covers about 25 square km. With 6100 inhabitants, that’s almost 250 inhabitants per square km or 2.5 per hectare. In comparison, New Pavis with 28 hectares has 5150 inhabitants…