There are some 1200 initiates of the Seven Lightbringers in New Pavis, fully a third of the adult residents in the city. Now more than half are Orlanth initiates, and Orlanth is…
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Kinship Groups in New Pavis
Outside of the Big Rubble, there are some 24,000 humans in Pavis County. About 2/3rds of them are Sartarite settlers or their descendants. The first settlers came with Dorasar in 1550. They…
The Sun Dome Network in Dragon Pass and Prax
If we think about the Sun Dome Temples as a network of autonomous temples and their affiliated satellites, here’s one way of thinking about the network in Dragon Pass and Prax: See…
Good Gods and Bad
When I was writing the RQ cults book, I kept going back to Jung. Here’s a nice little quote from “Modern Man in search of a soul” that is worth pondering: “Every…
The Zola Fel Cult in New Pavis
The Zola Fel cult in New Pavis is fairly small, perhaps only 200 or 300 initiates. Nonetheless, their importance in providing food and river transport makes their cult very significant in the…
The Second Battle Of Moonbroth by Rurik Runespear
Rurik Runespear’s Account of The Second Battle Of Moonbroth (Storm 1624). “Caltrops had defeated the nomads in the first battle at Moonbroth fourteen years earlier, and the Lunars were supremely self-confident about…
The Cult of Pavis II
The Pavis cult actually has fewer initiates in New Pavis than Storm Bull or Humakt, but far more lay members than both together. Almost every permanent resident of New Pavis is a…
Yelmalio in New Pavis
The Yelmalio cult of New Pavis is about the same size as the Storm Bull or Humakt cult, with somewhere around 300 initiates. The cult is centered on the Yelmalio temple in…
Other Prominent cults in New Pavis
After Orlanth and Ernalda, the most prominent cults in New Pavis at this time are the war gods Humakt and Storm Bull, with over 300 devoted cultists each, with nearly 700 in…
The Biggest Cults in New Pavis
By far, the biggest two cults in New Pavis are Orlanth and Ernalda. Let’s start with Orlanth. Since the city’s liberation, the Air Temple has been restored and is at the center…
Upcoming Dragon Pass Book
Here is the cover of the next RQ book – Dragon Pass! That’s the first book of the Lands of RQ series – that’s books detailing the various regions of Glorantha, with…
Zebra Fort
Zebra Fort is Argrath’s main stronghold in the Big Rubble. It’s only about 2 kilometers away from the People’s Gate, and you can probably run there in about 15 minutes or so….
The Kaleidoscopic Big Rubble
So putting it all together, the Big Rubble is kaleidoscopic. We have Sartarites and Sun Domers adventuring in a Big Rubble filled with Black Fang cultists, trolls, and Chaos. We have elves,…
Trolls of The Big Rubble
There are some 2500 trolls in the Big Rubble, making them the single most numerous community. There are some 500 adult dark trolls, over 1600 trollkin, and at least 100 great trolls,…
Dorasar, Prince of Pavis
Eonistaran the Sage, a son of King Sartar, lived in Jonstown as the chief librarian of the Jonstown Library. His sons were raised in Boldhome with their cousins, the princes of Sartar….
The Pavis Dwarfs
There are some 200 to 300 dwarfs in Pavis. They are all members of the Flintnail cult. Most are masons and metal-workers, and are willing to teach humans these skills or trade…
The Knowledge Temple, New Pavis
The Knowledge Temple in New Pavis is the largest collection of scrolls, books, parchments, etc. in all of Prax. The Knowledge Temple is the largest repository of information about Pavis and the…
Lhankor Mhy is the source of all written languages. He took the Runes and used them as symbols for writing. The other gods took that and made use of it. A good…
The Garden, Big Rubble
The elves of the Big Rubble are among the most human-oriented elves I know of. There’s only about 200 elves in the Garden, the other 800 Aldryami consist of a few non-combatant…
New Pavis to the Sun Dome Temple
It’s about 45 km from New Pavis to the Sun Dome Temple. That’s a little further away than the distance between Swenstown and Boldhome. It takes about two days to get there…
Tigers are known to have been found in Shadows Dance, near the Yolp Mountains, Maniria, and in parts of Ralios. I suspect they exist elsewhere in Dragon Pass, but are not common….
Cult Compatibility – Yelm, Orlanth, and Yelmalio
Although the cults of Yelm, Orlanth, and Yelmalio are rivals, they are perfectly capable of working together. The cults are Neutral towards each other – not Hostile or Enemies. At the same…
A Few Notes on Adari, Northern Prax
Adari is a frontier town between Shadows Dance and Prax. It was first settled in the Dawn Age and is also the birthplace of Pavis, but since has been razed and rebuilt…
Notes on The Arrowsmith Dynasty (860-940)
I’ve assembled a few notes and cut and paste them together to get a good overview of the rise and fall of the Arrowsmith Dynasty of Pavis. There’s a LOT in here,…
Pavis County and Sun County
If we look at the settled population of Pavis County and Sun County together, we see that the six largest cults are: To me this explains how Sun Dome County manages to…