Last Tango in Pavis 
Copyright © 1993 by Michael O'Brien and Brian Hebert

Permission is freely given for personal gaming use.

Part 3: Isig's Well

The path approaches Isig's Well from the hills above. Before they come close, dozens of vultures and condors are visible in the sky, circling but not landing. Coming over a rise, the PCs are afforded a view of the oasis.

Isig's Well nestles up against a cliff at the foot of the Eiritha Hills. The oasis is a lush garden of date palms lying behind white walls, with small conical huts scattered amongst the greenery. A large green-blue pool shimmers in the heat: this is fabled source of the once pure water of Isig's Well.

As the PC's approach the oasis the stench of death becomes almost overpowering. Dozens of corpses of animals are scattered about, as they approach the site, human bodies become increasingly visible as well. There is no one left alive at Isig's Well, and the scavenger birds circle uneasily above, wary of landing, but reluctant to leave a tantalising site with so much ready meat.

As the wind whips around the PCs, it has a wailing quality about it, as if hundreds of people are crying out in anguish.

The headman's hearth is the largest of the wattle and daub huts. Outside it, a large fossilised tree-trunk is planted in a stone base on the ground. It is about 6 meters high, polished smooth and covered with runes. Deep notches are hacked out at regular intervals, that serve as rungs. This tree trunk is the last remains of the garden Isig and his people lived in before the Darkness. It is inherently magical, but specialised knowledge of the Isig clan is required to activate any of the powers. To unearth the tree trunk requires requires a combined strength of 40. To carry it any distance requires a combined strength of 60.

The head man's hearth contains the only items of great value - ritual items of the Isig family, and the clan's secret hoard - but the hut is guarded by the Old Man Tree's fetch: POW 66. Anyone attempting to enter the hut is chased out or possessed and marched out.

The wailing, moaning wind continues as the PCs wander in the village, which is otherwise silent. Clouds continue to build up over the hills.

The Cave of the Ancestors
A number of caves are visible from the Well, high up on the cliffs. Carrying the ladder to a spot underneath is difficult but not impossible. There are about 20 holes, all about 10 - 20 meters from the ground. The wailing, moaning sound seems to becoming from these holes.

On the ground just below one cave is a shallow depression, worn into the rock. If the ladder is placed here and leaned against the cliff face it fits into a slot worn into the lip of the cave at the top. The ladder leads to the cave mouth, which is more just a split in the rock, about 2 meters high and wide enough to allow the passage of one person at a time. Isig's cave has no traps or magical defences: Isig's spirit is quite strong enough to deal with any ordinary robbers.

The end of the cave opens out into a large cavern. Skeletons are heaped in drifts around the sides of the room and there are several decaying baskets and large, sealed earthenware urns tucked away into nooks and crannies. Four coffin-like holes are dug into the sides of the cave which contain human remains. Scan reveals 5 more such holes which are still sealed with mud and clay.

A feeling of being observed starts to grow and the shadows in the edges of the cavern darken. There is the occasional rattle of sand and pebbles: it feels as if something very powerful is stirring.

Isig Stirs
A low reedy voice can barely be heard. To Peltas, it is in the oasis tongue. To the others, in Pavic:

"Who are you?"

If no one answers the sense of menace grows and the question is repeated.

If the PC's still do not answer then a random PC is struck by Isig's Fire and the question is repeated.

The correct answer is "I am a child of Isig" or "We are the children of Isig", or "We bring a child of Isig", etc. If this response is given then Isig asks his second question. If the response is wrong then the PC who answered is struck by Isig's Fire and the question is repeated.

His second question is, "Who sent you?"

The right answer must mention White Crane Woman (Peltas) or Yelmalio (the others). "Old Man Tree" is not a right answer. Failure is again punished. Success brings the the question, "Why have you come?"

The correct answer here includes any variation of the following: "To serve you." "To cleanse Isig's Well." "To purify your hearth." etc.

Once these three questions have been answered to Isig's satisfaction the mud covering of one of the burial niches crumbles and Isig commands:

"Reach into my grave and retrieve only my flute and beaded bag."

The flute appears to be carved out of a long, thin bone. Its head is shaped like a crane's beak. When the beaded bag is opened it is found to contain fist-sized lumps of white chalk, charcoal, red clay and soft yellow stone.

Once the PC's have retrieved the bag Isig orders them to seal up the grave once again.

After this is done, Isig continues:

"There is a cavern behind my pool. Follow it to the source within the earth. Find the painting which I made there and restore it. Then play my flute, the song will come of itself. Those who are not playing must sing. This will reseal the source of chaos which is buried there. When you have finished return my things to me here. Go."

After this Isig is silent. As the PC's begin to leave he adds:

"This obscenity was crafted by the one who calls itself Phloxx. Bring me its horns and I will grant each of you a boon. Now go."

The audience is over.

Next: The Source of Isig's Well


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