I believe I have already listed Argrath’s principle khans as of 1625 – Yazurkial Blue Llama, Narmeed Whirlvishbane, Roneer the Hue, Zamalanth Blue Llama, Jarang Bladesong, Krogar Wolfhelm, Mularik Ironeye, Orlaront Dragonfriend, and Rurik Runespear. And Elusu, his Clown. Now let’s go the next level down – his thanes.
Including any player characters, Argrath has 15 thanes, many of whom who have claims on par of the Rubble. On average, each thane has 20-50 followers, although a few have more and a few have less. Not all of the thanes have charters – some like Sir Narib, Ostalina, and Tosti Rune-Friend, can be found anywhere.
I call them thanes, but actually the Praxians call them khans, and the Sartarites call a few of them “chief”. And others call them just “lord” or “sir”.
Arama Peg-Leg
Tarshite armor and weapons dealer who runs a very successful salvaging operation based out of the Zebra Fort.
Aran Baragrat
This Zebra Rider was nephew to Hargran the Dirty, the self-proclaimed Khan of the Zebra Riders. He was exiled by his uncle and assembled a band of outlaws and exiles, He aided Argrath at the Battle of Moonbroth and led a group of followers into the Zebra Fort where he killed his uncle. He is now Zebra Khan and head of the Pavis Royal Guard. He is based out of Zebra Fort, where he is Argrath’s law.
Storm Khan, originally from Sartar. He leads a Storm Bull gang he calls the Rightfold Stompers, but everyone else calls the Dry Drunks. Based out of the Pavis Old Mint.
Chalana Arroy healer from the Grazelands. Wanders the ruins alone, healing people.
Denekriba Soultaker
Overseer of the Real City, a rebel priestess from Alkoth who swore loyalty to Argrath White Bull and who worships Argrath as an incarnation of the Destroyer. She rides a demon horse and leads one of the largest bands in the Rubble. She is the real power in the Real City, not the Pavis priests.
Karva Spoils-Seeker
This high llama rider calls herself khan and has the Rubble’s largest single force of some 250 veterans. She served with Argrath as a Wolf Pirate (and knows Nisk and Kulbrast) and claims Opili’s Fort on Temple Hill as her own, but needs to defeat the trolls that reside there.
This ruthless Sartarite warrior from the Colymar is famed for his willingness to do any task for Argrath regardless of any moral qualms and is notorious for his maxim “fear is a weapon.” He is a skilled recruiter of mercenaries and an efficient pillager. He is based out of Manside.
This veteran Old Tarshite noble has a well-equipped and disciplined band of followers and is a skilled captain. He is a strict disciplinarian and does not tolerate lawlessness. However, banditry sanctioned by Argrath does not count to him as lawlessness.
This dark-skinned Seshnelan sorcerer wears iron armor lives in New Pavis but frequently visits the ruins seeking rumors of magic and ancient lore.
This exotic woman is a sorceress is unusually open, pleasant, and serene for a member of Argrath’s retinue. She is highly valued by Argrath, who found her on the island of Jrustela and relies on her as an expert on the God Learners. She prowls the Rubble in search of secrets from the old city.
Salvaganth One-Arm
This heroic warrior from the Lismelder tribe slew two silver-armored Lunar Rune Lords before taking a terrible slash from a third Rune Lord’s sickle sword, losing his arm and gaining terrible scars. He is broken compared to what he was, but is honored by Argrath for what he was.
Tosti Rune-Friend
This Lhankor Mhy sage knows much about dragons and has even been to the Dragon Empire of Kralorela. He joined Argrath household last year and has rapidly risen to the close confidence of the White Bull. Even on the hottest days he wears thick, blanket-like robes and chatters his teeth as if painfully cold.
This aged Humakti Sword Lord of the Colymar tribe has been hunting the undead since the reign of King Tarkalor and even struck Delecti the Necromancer in the Upland Marsh forcing him to flee his current body. He is an old man except in battle when he is a whirlwind of death. He has claim to part of the Troll Stronglands, and resides there with a handful of followers.
This Lunar Tarshite sided with Argrath at the Battle of Pennel Ford and now leads a band of hardened-killers She is based out the Yelorna Temple near the Zebra Fort.
Hope this gives an idea about what the collection of bush priests, shamans, and crazed mystics Argrath has gathered about him.