Home Forums Glorantha Art and Inspiration Would like to see…

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  • #7665
    Martin Helsdon
    Would you accept 3-D-models of temples, too?

    Maybe something like the famous Tekumel model for the Temple of Vimulha?



    Jeff Richard

    If anyone wants to do a 3D diorama model of the Temple of Yelm in Raibanth, the Temple of the Reaching Moon in Tarsh, the Palace of Sartar in Boldhome, the Sacred City in Nochet, or part of Ezel, we’d work out the dimensions. And everything else.

    Martin Helsdon
    If anyone wants to do a 3D diorama model of the Temple of Yelm in Raibanth, the Temple of the Reaching Moon in Tarsh, the Palace of Sartar in Boldhome, the Sacred City in Nochet, or part of Ezel, we’d work out the dimensions. And everything else.

    A smaller location might be a good place to start? The Temple of Vimulha apparently took a thousand hours to make. Something a little more transportable.

    So maybe a shrine instead of a mega-temple?


    This may be a dull answer, but I’m still hoping to see ISS2006 – Whitewall: Last Rebel Kingdom, as per the schedule in HQ2.
    After that Lunar publications to match Sartar and Pavis. Both sides of the Hero Wars in Dragon Pass please. Then the elder races. Then the Holy Country.

    That enough? 😉

    Michael Hitchens

    That guest post was me. Somehow I got logged out.

    Martin Helsdon

    They can’t see the Dragon for the Scenery

    This picture features in the Irish advertising campaign for ‘Game of Thrones’ sites… They say there are no dragons, but that ridge line looks very like the spine of a Gloranthan dragon slumbering. 🙂



    I would love to see more on the Malkoni personally. We have great material on Dragon Pass and Prax with the current resources, and I would love to see Seshnela and Safelstra, Wenelia (expanded upon, although Blood Over Gold does a reasonable job), and of course some of the Janube City States or Loskalm. Not that we can clearly see that the Malkoni have a more ancient flavour rather than medieval I think there should be some emphasis on portraying and developing the resources surrounding them. I used to portray Safelsta and the Trader Princes as a culture along the lines of the Venetian Empire in late medeival times, but I’ll happy shift those influences to be more along some mix of the Macedonian Empire with the early-mid period Byzantine Empire. However having more supplements would be great, as I would love to get the flavour right this time around.

    I also put my vote in for a book for lavish art of incidental scenes ranging from everyday rural and urban life through to pivotal moments in Gloranthan history. That’s a kickstarter in the making if there was ever one!


    Ps: I’m still getting used to the format of this forum, and I can’t seem to find how I can edit my post. I actually meant to type “Now that we can clearly see the Malkioni have a more ancient flavour…”


    I would love to see more on the Malkoni personally. We have great material on Dragon Pass and Prax with the current resources, and I would love to see Seshnela and Safelstra, Wenelia (expanded upon, although Blood Over Gold does a reasonable job), and of course some of the Janube City States or Loskalm. Now that we can clearly see that the Malkoni have a more ancient flavour rather than medieval I think there should be some emphasis on portraying and developing the resources surrounding them. I used to portray Safelsta and the Trader Princes as a culture along the lines of the Venetian Empire in late medeival times, but I’ll happy shift those influences to be more along some mix of the Macedonian Empire with the early-mid period Byzantine Empire. However having more supplements would be great, as I would love to get the flavour right this time around.

    I also put my vote in for a book for lavish art of incidental scenes ranging from everyday rural and urban life through to pivotal moments in Gloranthan history. That’s a kickstarter in the making if there was ever one!


    Hello. Another forum-newbie and Glorantha ..lay member here.
    I’d love to see street level-Glorantha. The forthcoming guide will give me God’s view, and some of Man’s. I’d like the views of his dog as well (yes, I stole that).

    Francis Tiffany

    I’d like to see Roger Raupp (or Rudy Didier Rauben) do it.

    Edit- I mean Fronrit.

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