Home Forums Gaming in Glorantha RuneQuest Which regions will get there own books?

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    Thomas Devine

    I’m curious as to which regions are likely to get there own books?

    Satar/Dragon Pass has gotten a book. Does Prax stand a chance? Will one of the East Islands groups get a book? Will any place in Pamentela get a book?

    While we’re at it, which Elder Races are likely to get books?

    Remember, I asked which were Likely to get books not which are absolutely in the pipe. My question calls for general speculation, not absolute answers which I assume you aren’t allowed to give.

    Harald Smith

    For HQ, books previously noted as somewhere in development included:
    – another Sartar book (Cinsina clan – Coming Storm, I believe, was targeted title)
    – another Pavis book (Big Rubble)
    – possibly a Prax book – David Scott might know more on that
    – Uz book (for Elder Races) – believe this has moved up in planned products list

    For 13th Age, the planned sourcebook, I believe, will primarily focus on Dragon Pass/Sartar/Tarsh.

    There was discussion at one point of a Harreks Saga book, which would circumnavigate the oceans.
    That would touch on Teshnos, East Isles, Teleos, Fonrit, Jrustela. So maybe those are the most likely to be done?


    A book on Whitewall, the repeal of the Crimson Bat & the fall of the city is also planned.

    Harrek’s saga is also supposed to come one day & coupled with the Greath Argrath Campaign both would cover a lot of ground (from Genert’s Wastes to the Moon!?!)

    Instead, what everybody is waiting for nowadays is D&D in Glorantha aka 13th Age Glorantha. Urgh!

    A distraction & waste of time, money & manpower if ever there was one!?! It reminds me of Questworld, Fantasy Earth, Griffin Island & HeroQuest: Core Rules… Of course, I’ll end up participating in the Kickstarter, if it’s the only game in town (my GtoG & AAA haven’t arrived yet by the way)!?!


    Another reply is: whichever region finds an author to develop it in cooperation with Moondesign. There are only so many hours a day for Jeff to write and edit. If other people do more writing, Jeff can do (or delegate) more editing, and more products might arrive.

    The other bottleneck is artwork of sufficient quality. After the Dobyski era we live in art paradise right now, and Moondesign will do whatever is in their power to remain there. If you want to produce books outside the main line (those mentioned above), best bring some new talent into the fold, too.

    I don’t really mind the question of game systems much. If it is background and narrative structure you are looking for in a regional book, the system might modify the campaign style you present, but not the more detailed background information. If you expect all the crunch for your favourite crunchy game system (excluding HeroQuest here, which is lacking such crunch), you will have to provide it yourself, and possibly (as an author) only as an add-on to the published book. Or you’ll have to contact the various masters of the other gaming systems with a plea for assistance.

    You can pick any region of Glorantha and spin your own start into the Hero Wars. You will have to tie in to the great events at some time, but until then you will have lots of creative freedom. A longer campaign could be tested as a seasonal or even annual heroquest game, like Jeff’s experimental game at Kraken that defined (or ruined) Melib in the Hero Wars for me, or Topi Pitkänen’s GloranTarot based seasonal run through Blood over Gold (also witnessed, but not played, at Kraken).

    Such a game could provide a frame for the actions of the movers and shakers, and define them as NPCs, or as PC options. Plus they are great fun to play.


    I like your answer, Joerg, thank you very much!


    For RQ we’ll have, for certain, Sun County, most likely an updated Borderlands and, in time, Balazar. Will we go further afield into unexplored territory? Dunno. We’re not necessarily confined by Jeff’s output, but anywhere we detail will need his assistance at some stage. For now, the plans outlined above will see us through for a couple of years.

    Hannu Kokko

    Grrr. No Fonrit book…

    Well, actually it is good. Find myself retreating to more mythical and uncharted wilderness when civilization (books and learning) advances and raises the fog on territories previously only partially charted 🙂 Frontiersman mindset, I know, dying breed. But even frontiersman gets jaded on moonshine and poison mushrooms and will travel to the known territory to see more.

    That being said – waiting for all the books to gather them to my collection.

    Simon Phipp

    Hmmm …

    Sun County – RQ3 and RQ6
    Balazar – RQ2, RQ3 (maybe) and RQ6
    Borderlands – RQ2, RQ3 (maybe) and RQ6

    Personally, I would prefer new areas described for RQ6, rather than the same old areas rehashed.

    I know the arguments that these are popular areas, that they haven’t been done for RQ6, that newer players won’t have the old information, that anything old would need converting to RQ6, but I am not convinced.

    I would love to see Pent get a good writeup, or the Lunars, or the Holy Country, for example.


    Yeah time for new stuff. Lots done for all the new folk but us oldies shouldn’t be forgotten.

    Lunars, Holy Country and Pent are great suggestions.


    Yeah time for new stuff. Lots done for all the new folk but us oldies shouldn’t be forgotten.

    Lunars, Holy Country and Pent are great suggestions.

    By all means send us your pitches for the books covering these areas!

    Hannu Kokko

    +1 for Holy Country.

    Pamaltela needs more love. We could start with Fonrit…


    Vadeli Isles. There would be some skullduggery in that one. A pitched sea battle ending with the PC’s being captured by Vadeli. Taken to their islands they witness first hand the horrors as Vadeli slaves. Then one of them learns of a horrifying plot. But Vadeli betrayal leads to unexpected freedom and a chance to foil their nefarious plot. Unable to go toe to toe with the Vadeli, a Heroquest is in order and maybe the enlistment of powerful arcane allies. Perhaps even a desperate foray into lost Brithos!

    Could this hearken the return of the Blue Vadeli or thwart it? Perhaps it was all a plot within a plot and the heroes unwittingly bring back the Blues.


    Eh? You mean like write the books? I’m not a game designer nor writer, that’s you lots job. I can design your garden or manage your farm if you want. Excellent at that. 🙂


    +1 to what Simon Phipp said.
    +1 to Holy Country!

    Jonathan Geere

    +1 to what Simon Phipp said.
    +1 to the new rather than the rehash

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