Home Forums Glorantha Glorantha Discussions What News From GenCon?

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    Jim Groves

    I was just wondering what news there was from the GenCon Seminars?

    Specifically about future products and what is in store for the rest of 2013 and into 2014?

    Though any noteworthy news and spoilers revealed at the Con would be greatly appreciated.

    Jeff Richard

    Well, at some point we’ll put some of the GenCon Seminar video feed up on the site – but I have to admit that it will have to wait behind finishing the website migration, laying out the Guide, finishing the last maps and art, working on the Lunar special for WF, and a few other surprises.

    There’s at least two (probably three) big announcements that will be coming a little later in the year as a result of GenCon. Plus a lot of smaller ones (like the fact that we’ve commissioned Carol Johnson to write a Glorantha freeform starring such figures as Jar-eel and Harrek for next year’s GenCon, or that the next issue of Wyrms will be a Lunar special). Neil, Rick, and I will each be doing our GenCon AAR soon, but we’ve just been scrambling trying to deal with our biggest priorities.

    Jim Groves

    I am not trying to be a jerk, but I thought I would bump this thread up again. It has been a fair while. With another Convention coming at the end of October, I’m just trying to see what news is available for fans who can’t make it to special events.

    Any news on those two (probably three) big announcements? Any bones you can throw to poor hungry news-hounds?

    Jim Groves

    Okay, please forgive me for replying to my own post, but I thought I would add this for ANYBODY else who comes along with the same question. The video below comes from the Future of Glorantha seminar at GenCon 2013. I found it posted today on YouTube.

    It’s 45 minutes, so I’ll skim some highlights..

    Ian Cooper’s “The Coming Storm” is ready to have artwork order, and actually from other forum posts, we know that is already happened.

    Gods of Glorantha (otherwise known as “Belintar’s Book”) will be another large, systemless book of the gods and mythology, and will receive a formal Kickstarter treatment like the Guide did. Jeff has a concrete list of topics for if the book just meets its funding goal, and is preparing a definitive list of stretch goals if we can pass it. He promises a very solid treatment even if they just meet the basic level. This Kickstarter will come together once the Guide has either shipped, or it’s in a very final stages of production. (I.e. basically once they can see the metaphorical ship leave the docks..)

    There is also an illustrated Bestiary of Glorantha co-written by Pete Nash and Sandy Peterson who will write as opposing scholars. Jeff seemed to describe it as part travelogue and part “Barlowe’s Guide”.

    Lawrence Whitaker was also present and made GenCon announcements on behalf of Design Mechanism.

    LOZ indicated they were putting together “Runequest Adventures in Glorantha” (or maybe it was “Gloranthan Adventures in Runequest”) which would be a mechanics heavy book with systems for RQ6 play in almost anywhere in Glorantha. He stressed he would not be duplicating introductory material from the Guide, but would be providing a ‘toolkit’ to use RQ6 rules with what was in the Guide.

    LOZ also indicated that Michael O’Brien was returning to do a new version of Sun County for RQ6/Glorantha with revised, updated, and brand new material and adventures. LOZ then suggested there has been talk of doing the same thing for Borderlands and maybe even Griffin Mountain.

    Please forgive any mistakes. I watched this and then wrote this post from memory. Please enjoy the video!

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