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    Terra Incognita

    What is Proximate Holy Realm?

    Hardros Hardslaughter led Tax Slaughter, killed Only Old One, then stopped King’s War and began the Kingdom of Orlanthland, despite the fact that KoO didn’t have any High-king but “Great Living Heroes”…

    Simon Phipp

    The Gloranthan Wiki says http://glorantha.wikia.com/wiki/Proximate_Holy_Realm and http://glorantha.wikia.com/wiki/Ring_of_Orlanthland, so it implies that it was a way to mend the damage done by the Gbaji Wars, although it says the God Wars.

    I would think it was an attempt to bring the Hero Plane closer to the Mundane Plane, allowing worship to be easier and allowing the gods to be contacted in a different way.

    Terra Incognita

    The priests enacted something which its later outcome is infiltration of Draconism among Heortlings. (HoHP page.42, 83) Though Dragonseed War and Orlmandan the Red made effort to stop the transformation. Maybe Alakoring founded the cult of Orlanth Rex which established the custom Kings ruling Priests.

    My personal questions are:
    1.What’s the motivation of Hardros which prevented him from becoming a king?

    2.What is the concrete effect of the PHR? Abstraction of the deities?

    Jeff Richard

    Page 83 of History of the Heortling Peoples pretty much details the Proximate Holy Realm of Dragon Pass (also called Orlanthland or the Kingdom of Dragon Pass). Around 600 the Council of Dragon Pass brought the magical geography of that place closer to the Gods World, making it far easier to use that magical energy in public ceremonies. As time went on, most positions of leadership were occupied by priests and priestesses, and issues of mystical significance became increasingly important to these leaders.

    Hardros never became a king, but chose to establish a ring of leaders in Dragon Pass of which he was the first among equals.

    Keith Nellist

    Is there any direct relationship to the later “Kings of Dragon Pass” that started with Ironhoof?

    Jeff Richard

    The area around Dragon Pass has been ruled by the representatives of Orlanth and Ernalda since the Storm Age. Vinkot, son of Orlanth, and his sons, ruled until the Great Darkness. Heort and his successors led the Heortling tribes, but the Unity Council wielded the magic of the land. Ironhoof coupled with the embodiment of that magic, but Arim wooed and married it. Later the Feathered Horse Queen became the incarnation of that magic, blessed by Ernalda as her representative. Her husband that courts her as Orlanth did Ernalda becomes king of the land in turn.

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