Home Forums Gaming in Glorantha HeroQuest The Pony Clan of the Colymar tribe in "Sartar: Kindom of Heroes"

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    I’m currently preparing a campaign for a group of new players. In that context I’m working through “Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes”, because I plan to start with the Colymar Campaign (after a couple of session introducing the players to the setting).

    While going through the descriptions of the clans from the Colymar tribe on pages 276 to 276 I’ve noticed, that the entries for the Enhyl as well as for the Narri clan are named “The Pony Clan”. And although the textual descriptions are not identical, they are similar enough, that no clear difference is visible for me (Hyaloring triarchy; “Fish Marriage”; Taral War; loathing things, which come back from the death; Humakt followers).

    Is this intentional? Do I miss something here? Or is this simply a bug?


    I assume they are both “pony” clans, Northern Heortlings originally out of Holay. They were probably one clan a long time ago and split in two over a mythological disagreement. In my version, one is the Red Pony clan (Ethyl), famous for their sunrise rust/red colored galanas, and the Blue Pony clan (Narri), famous for their storm blue/grey colored ponies.

    Thomas Iverson

    They are 2 of the Runegate clans, as detailed in the highly recommended Sartar Companion. A bit more of their history and culture is given there.


    Ah, I’ve indeed missed the entry about the “Hyalorings” in the History of Runegate, which can be found in the “Sartar Companion”. This cleared the fog – at least a bit.

    What raised my curiosity in the first place was the fact, that both clans where marked as “The Pony Clan” in “Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes”, which in my interpretation (I’m not a native English speaker) means: “The one and only Pony Clan”. For two clans? Outright confusing. But given the fact, that both clans are part of the triarchy resettling in the Runegate area, this marker could probably assigned to all three clans in that Hyalorings triarchy.

    And making a distinction by the color of the bred ponies in the different clans is certainly an additional way to solve the issue.

    Thanks for enlightening me! (Although there certainly is still a long way to true illumination … :-))

    Steve Hammatt

    There are plenty of reasons that more than one clan could refer to themselves as “*The* Pony Clan”. It may be that the two clans are both rivals, both seeing themselves as the foremost Pony Clan. Or it could be that all clans call themselves “The (something)”, and it’s just that two of them decided to highlight the Pony aspect.

    Although “the” is a definite article in English, it doesn’t always mean “the one and only”.

      It’s probably a mistake, but where is there any proper errata for “Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes”, right?!! (No, this doesn’t count… )
      IMG, the Narri clan is The Pony Clan & the Enhyli are The Elmal Clan. King of Sartar p. 176 has this to say:
      “Enhyli: One of the original Hyaloring triarchy, settled here c. 1325. They are also the Elmal clan, and descendants of the hero Kuschile. They also protested the fish marriage and fought in the Taral War. They hate all things which were once dead, but now act alive.”
    Thomas Iverson

    “But given the fact, that both clans are part of the triarchy resettling in the Runegate area, this marker could probably assigned to all three clans in that Hyalorings triarchy.”

    Indeed, the map on page 281 of Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes shows the Hyaloring Triarchy clans as “Pony”, “Pony”, and “Pony”. I suspect that the “Fish Marriage” and Taral War really helped differentiate the Narri (Horses!) and Enhyli (Elmal!) from each other.

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