Home Forums Gaming in Glorantha HeroQuest Rules Q for HeroQuest Glorantha — Spending Hero Points in Simple Contests

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    I looked for this on the HeroQuest in Glorantha PDF thread, but could not find it, so, here’s a question about the new book:

    On p. 60 there is this paragraph:
    “You may spend only one Hero Point on any given dice roll. During extended contests, you may spend only one Hero Point per exchange.”

    On p. 63 there is this paragraph:
    “6. Determine effects of Hero Point expenditures, if any. In a simple contest, heroes may spend any number of Hero Points to bump up their results. If they do so, their final levels of victory or defeat are modified accordingly.”

    As far as I can tell these two paragraphs contradict each other. The first says only one point may be spend in a Simple Context, the other says any number of Hero Points maybe spent in a simple contest. But maybe I’m missing something. Misreading or misunderstanding something.

    So, two questions:

    If I am reading a conflict into the rules that isn’t there, can Jeff or someone explain it to me?

    And if there is a conflict, which rule is used?


    Martin Hawley

    The First relates to EXTENDED CONTESTS
    The Second relates to SIMPLE CONTESTS


    Thanks so much for the reply.
    The confusion I’m having is that in the paragraph from p. 60 the first sentence is “You may spend only one Hero Point on any given dice roll.” A Simple contest is one die roll. So, shouldn’t there be a cap of one Hero Point? Yes?
    I saw the second sentence as a clarification of the rule for cases of Extended contests.
    The section on p. 60 is called: “Bump Up With Hero Points” and has no other reference to spending Hero Points in Simple contests. Thus, I can only assume the first sentence is referring Simple contents as a default, and (again) the second sentence clarifying for Extended contests.
    I’m not saying you’re reply is wrong. I’m saying it doesn’t seem to square with the information as presented.

    Jeff Richard

    Thanks for catching this. The sentence on page 63 now reads:

    “6. Determine effects of Hero Point expenditures, if any. In a simple contest, heroes may spend aa Hero Point to bump up their results. If they do so, their final levels of victory or defeat are modified accordingly.”

    This correction will be made in the printed version and uploaded to the website in the next few days.


    HI Jeff, just be clear, look at your post once more (I want to be sure a new typo doesn’t creep in!)
    You wrote:
    “6. Determine effects of Hero Point expenditures, if any. In a simple contest, heroes may spend aa Hero Point to bump up their results. If they do so, their final levels of victory or defeat are modified accordingly.”
    I’m assuming that “aa Hero Point” is “a Hero Point.” Or “a single Hero Point”? Yes?

    Jeff Richard

    A Hero Point.I don’t think any more is necessary. The “aa” is not in the book. 😀


    Sweet! Glad I could help!

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