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  • #5371

    I have two questions about the survey.

    First, what precisely is meant by ” Glorantha.com user ID.” Do you condiered my user ID to be my public name or the username I use to log in? Or prehaps some other value that I’m missing?

    Second, what precisely is meant by “Please confirm any additional items you already purchased via the Kickstarter?” For instance, both my wife and I contributed to the kickstarter (there was a Christmas gift involved, you know how it goes). Would I note that we share an address? One of the contributions was only for a digital item, so does that mean that I don’t need to make any notes?

    Thank you

    David Scott

    Glorantha.com user ID
    When you sign up to the site, you gave us –

    Username (required) -> eg BigGiantGuy <-IT’S THIS!
    Your Name (required) -> e.g. Gonn Orta <-not this.
    Your Email (required) -> e.g. gonn.orta@rockwoods.glo <-not this.

    edit – you can find it here http://www.glorantha.com/wp-admin/profile.php

    Apologies for not briefing Rick on correct nomenclature.


    Thank you very much. I was able to find an answer for my second question on G+:

    Some people upgraded from softcover to hardcover, purchased a big kahuna banner, became an art patron, or purchased other specific add-ons. That’s what the question is meant to cover. There’s a list of those add-ons on the main KS page.

    Add-ons available during the Kickstarter:

    + $20: extra softcover Argan Argar Atlas.
    + $25: Upgrade a softcover Argan Argar Atlas to hardcover.
    + $50: 5 Genertela posters (18″ x 24″) folded map set.
    + $85: extra copy of the (two volume) Guide
    + $95: 24 posters (11″ x 17″) map set
    + $100: an extra copy of the (two volume) Guide (non-US Shipping)
    + $250: Greg Archival 8 poster map
    + $300: Draw This!
    + $350: The BIG KAHUNA
    Harald Smith
    Username (required) -> eg BigGiantGuy <-IT’S THIS!

    So how do you find THIS? I’m only spotting the Name in the profile and I normally just log in with my email.


    About the Glorantha.com ID:

    When I go to my profile I see my name on top of my avatar, and to the right I see “@lanarch”.

    As I am sure I didn’t use “@” for my ID (it’s probably not even possible) I think my ID would be “lanarch”.

    Is that true?


    You can find your username if you go to edit your profile (http://www.glorantha.com/wp-admin/profile.php)

    David Scott

    The @name is part of the community system that we’ve plugged into the site. It’s based on your username, but is all lowercase. We haven’t implemented it’s use yet. The idea being that you can tag people in posts. Scott is correct look at your profile http://www.glorantha.com/wp-admin/profile.php

    Harald Smith

    Scott, David – thanks, found that now!

    Robin Mitra

    How will the personalisation of the dust jackets will be done? Should we add the details to the survey?

    Warren C

    OK So it has been a while and my memory is failing me on this.

    I pledged:( cut and paste from the KS page )
    Pledge amount

    Pledge $200 or more
    RUNE LORD/PRIEST: High Priest reward level, plus 4 folded Central Genertela Maps.
    Add $25 USD to ship outside the US

    I live outside of The US but get KS stuff mailed to an office in the US.
    What do the US postage add on and International postage add-ons ( in the Reward level chart )refer to ?

    So looking at the possible add ons: would the $25 cover an additional Atlas softcover ?

    And if it does I add that in the Survey question about purchasing extra stuff ?

    Warren C

    *Bump* Anyone ?



    If you are shipping to the US, then the $25 will cover an additional Atlas softcover. Make sure you have that in your survey answer.

    If you have already answered it, message me and I’ll make sure you get it added to your order.


    Warren C

    Thanks Neil
    Just wanted to make sure I got it correct.

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