Home Forums Glorantha Glorantha Discussions Praxian nomads. Is there a culture of paying ransom.

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    As it says in the title, do the Praxian nomads pay ransoms for captured members of their clans? Captured by other Clans/nations etc.

    I always presumed not as there seems to be wide spread slavery.

    I could see it being so for important members like Khans or shamans, but what about everyday folk? Or do they just accept their lot?

    Peter Metcalfe

    Stealing the slaves back is what Waha would do.


    Nice answer 🙂

    I ask because in a game i’m running a newly captured Impala rider, just healed his unconscious captor during a hard fight with some Gagarthi. It has caused some interesting discussions OOC and will lead to some interesting role play later. The captor being a young, brash Rhino rider, who has been confused by the action of his ‘slave’.

    Simon Phipp

    We normally use prisoner exchanges rather than ransoms. If a Bison clan has captured a High Llama clansman then we offer to exchange our own captured bison warrior in exchange. If we don’t have one then we go out an capture one.

    Ransoms don’t really work, as a Bison Clan would want bison as ransom, but a High Llama clan is unlikely to have many bison. I suppose you could offer money, but what good is that to a Praxian?

    Rescuing them could work, of course, but that would bring an element of shame, as the rescued person would owe the rescuers a debt.


    Thanks Simon, I like that idea too. Though Nations raid each other for their herd beasts to eat so I can imagine that taking say ten Sable in payment would keep a Bison rider’s family in meat for a while.


    Praxians also trade captives for captured herd beasts of their own type, if they can’t steal them back that is. And what Praxian would turn down the offer of bronze weapons or armour in exchange for a captured tribe’s man? This assumes that the captive is worth the sacrifice of such valuable items of course.
    Rod Robertson

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