Home Forums Gaming in Glorantha Other RPG systems Openquest 2 is out

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  • #5272
    Simon Bray

    Hi all,

    Newt has released openquest 2 this month, available from Drivethrurpg and Rpgnow I believe. It can be ordered as a PDF, soft cover or hardback.

    I have been running an epic Gloranthan game using the rules for the last few months. The Gebel Epic uses the Guide and OQ2 to chart the rise of the Teshnan hero Gebel, as he seeks the true sword of Tolat. We have battled Wolf Pirates, explored ancient lost temples, sought out the skull of Atyar and unleashed the volcano god in the Tunnelled Hills causing an eruption of fleeing chaos, unifying the eastern nomads and destroying most of Than Ulbar. We have journeyed to Trojang, battle Kralorelan exarchs, took part in a Vormaini imperial feud, summon blood demons and tackled Andin warlords in the east isles. Now we are off to revitalise Mokoto, set sail for Maslo! Phew!

    Simon Bray


    Sounds fantastic, who is the nasty volcano god?

    Simon Bray

    If you look at a map of Than Ulbar you realise that a son of Solf sits dormant. His head severed and consumed by the waiting Atyar. The great crystal skull that sits in the temple of chaos may be that of Atyar or the Volcano God, depending on your belief. Gebel entered the mouth of chaos, in search of the stolen secrets of Tolat, he was defeated by Atyar and cast in to a Pit of Pain, to be tortured by hellfire. Instead the wily Gebel realised that he was surrounded by the wracked soul of Solf’s lost son. Together the conspired, broke free from their bonds. While the Volcano god wreaked havoc, Gebel stole secrets from Atyar. Then with unbridled fury the Volcano erupted. Gebel and his allies would have died had they not allied with Goblins of the Tunnelled Hills who carried them aloft and into the desert.

    This is just a glimpse of the whole story, we always play epic. Surely that is the point of Glorantha?

    Simon Bray

    Btw Openquest handled all of this very well, it has rules for dealing with other worlds, allows epic stories and with it’s expanded magic and relationship rules it took it beyond normal d100 gaming. Yes it has crunch, which pleases some of my players, but it allows the story to flow and for players to truelly act like the heroes and cads that they are!


    What do you use for Gloranthan cults with OQ2? Did you port it directly from RQ3 supplements?

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