Home Forums Glorantha Glorantha Discussions Lhankor Mhy discern cosmic law feat

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    Jason Tetezlaff

    Lhankor Mhy’s discern cosmic law feat is listed as being associated with the law rune. Because of that, I was taking interpreting it as a way for a devotee to create their own spells. Is this a correct understanding of the feat, or is it more powerful than that. Could it be used to create an entire grimoire? Are there any other possible uses for this feat? How would a devotee prepare to use it? I haven’t found a description of how Lhankor Mhy actually does this.

    Thanks for any guidance on this. Love Heroquest, but still very new and learning.

    Simon Phipp

    With HeroQuest, I tend to try and make things as flexible as possible. So, I don;t pin feats down to a rigid interpretation of what it means.

    As to how you can use Discern Cosmic Law in other ways …
    Break through a mass of legal arguments to pick out the original meaning or interpretation of the law.
    See the meaning of the dance of the stars.

    Alistair Jones

    You might allow the character to discern when Cosmic Law is being flouted, or to convince others that it is being flouted. It could be used to justify the use of a foreign precedent in pleading a legal case, in the same way that ‘Natural Law’ can be cited in ethical debates IRW.
    The character could augment their abilities against those who oppose Cosmic Law.
    Just a few possibilities.

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