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  • #5225
    Jeff Richard

    For those who might be interested, here’s some comparative numbers on the Lesser Tribes of Prax that won’t be appearing in the Guide to Glorantha. All numbers are of course approximate but give a good feel for the comparative sizes of the Lesser Tribes.

    Basmoli – 2500
    Bolo Lizard Folk -2100
    Cannibal Cult – 1000
    Men-and-a-Half – 3000
    Newtlings – 3000
    Ostrich Clan – 1200
    Pavis Survivors – 1200
    Rhinocerous Riders – 18000
    Unicorn Women – 1000


    Do the unicorn women travel about Prax and the wastes in ‘family’ groups or are they in and around Pavis and the Rubble?

    David Scott

    The Unicorn Women are firstly organised into two different parts. The first is the original theistic part based in Pavis – detailed in Raid on Yelorna (p241). The second, based in the Wastelands is a mixed theism/spirit society. The theistic part are the pure virgin unicorn riders, the other is formed of women who reject the Way of Waha, and don’t want to or can’t follow in their prescribed Praxian gender role. The Pavis section is in charge of the whole cult, but you’ll have noticed that there is no Wanderer Commander, who is responsible for external affairs. This is most likely a role taken over by a Star Shaman of the spirit society out in the Wastes. Given the numbers, there’s probably two or three groups out there. Bear in mind they are 50% children, 10% men and 40% women, they are not all Yelorna followers (40%), having a similar spread to that described in Cults of Prax.

    Nick Brooke

    Please check and confirm the Rhino Rider number: do they really outnumber all the other Lesser Tribes put together? I suspect there’s an extra ‘zero’ on the end (i.e. should be 1,800 and not 18,000).

    Jeff Richard

    Yes, confirmed. There used to be SIX Great Tribes of Prax, with the Rhinos numbering perhaps twice what they currently do. But they’ve declined to where they number little more than a quarter of the next smallest Great Tribe and now are counted as a Lesser Tribe.

    But compared to the other Lesser Tribes, the Rhinos are huge.

    Mark Mohrfield

    But what about the kangaroo tribe?:)

    Keith Nellist

    I’m surprised at the Pavic Surivors numbers. That is barely two cavalry regiments.

    Jeff Richard

    It is almost the equal of the human population of Old Pavis. They are the former Pavis Royal Guard, and their best will form a bodyguard regiment of Argrath in 1625.

    Guy Hoyle

    I speculate on even smaller tribes, such as the Giant Marmot tribe, the Land Squid herders, or the Hoopsnake Riders.

    Keith Nellist

    I like the story in Anaxial’s Roster about the common origin of Bolo Lizards and Rock Lizards and feel that there should be a lazy, indolent and meating eating tribe of Rock Lizard people, so unsuccessful that only their ghosts survive, or perhaps they just incarnate occasionally amongst the Bolo Lizard folk as large, violent children that occasionally survive into adulthood but are outcast to live among crags and cliffs. Not so much a tribe, more an occasional monster man lurking in Prax.

    Evan Hughes
    Quote from Mark Mohrfield on September 27, 2013, 21:06
    But what about the kangaroo tribe?:)

    That’s in the Great Southern Land, i.e. Pamaltela, mate.
    ; )

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