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    Simon Phipp
    Quote from David Scott on September 21, 2013, 08:28
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sable not to be confused with Sable antelope, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sable_antelope
    It’s the former in Balazar and the later in Prax (unless you want to complicate things).

    Looking at the Griffin Mountain Gloranthan Classics supplement, we have:
    p127 “There is a demand for the antlers of the red sable in the Lunar Empire.”
    p167 “Giant Sable These massive antelope resemble the Praxian riding beast, but are much larger. Use the normal sable stats, but substitute 3D6+24 for STR and SIZ (average of 34-35). Damage bonus will average 3D6.”
    p167 “Red Sable Also known as the Lunar deer, this creature uses the same stats as its Praxian Sable cousin, but it is distinguished by a rust- or orange-colored coat. The horns are bright red and much prized as trophies and for use in jewelry, each pair being worth 10 x 1D10 L.”

    So, unless things have changed drastically, both Giant Sables and Red Sables are types of antelope, not types of marten.

    David Scott

    Thanks for that Simon. In all my years of running Griffin Mountain, I don’t think I ever spotted them, even in the herd beast table! It’s makes sense as Rick took the clan names from Griffin Island box (they weren’t in the original book). When I first saw the clan names, I assumed they were the marten kind as I couldn’t see how they were connected to the Praxian sables as Gonn Orta’s pass is just not a natural migration route.

    Harald Smith
    I couldn’t see how they were connected to the Praxian sables as Gonn Orta’s pass is just not a natural migration route.

    But there were Praxian beast riders brought by the Theyalans into Peloria to battle the horseriders there including the Sable Riders of the Hungry Plateau. I always figured that many of these mounts went native and established populations, particularly in the margins such as Balazar.

    Jeff Richard

    Herds of bison, antelope, and other large mammals range from the Wastelands to Fronela. You can find them in the Wastelands, Dragon Pass, Peloria, Pent, Elder Wilds, and even Fronela.

    Evan Hughes

    Now I’m confused.

    So who’s riding the weasels then…?


    I always assumed that the Balazarings had two flavours within their cultural background, the ‘urban’ variety and the ‘rural’ variety. For those living in the citadels I would use the Barbarian background, whereas those living in villages I would tend to use the Primitive background. You can portray the nuances and differences within each Citadel/Tribe quite well with narrative trappings, but these are the cultural builds that seem to fit the descriptions in the original setting

    Simon Phipp
    Quote from Evan Hughes on September 27, 2013, 23:13
    So who’s riding the weasels then…?

    The weasel-riders, of course. Duh! 🙂


    Just as an update we are finally getting the campaign going, now I just have to find the Balazaarings in the Guide…


    On page 196 of the Guide, there is a picture of a Balazaaring clan hearth. Does anyone have any info on what the numbers 1-6 and letters A, B, and C represent in the diagram?

    David Scott

    The Balazaring clan hearth on page 198 is reproduced from Avalon Hill’s Griffin Island (1986) – where there was no key! (or I missed it).


    Odd, I just looked at Griffin Islands clan hearth and the letter B is the only thing on that picture. It looks like they edited out the numbers and letters but missed editing out the letter B. So what you’ve got in the GtG is the original, unedited clan hearth, never seen before in publication.

    Too bad the meaning of the legend seems to be lost unless one could contact the original artist.

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