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  • #15535

    So bronze is the bone of the gods, and lumps of it are called ‘godbone’. What about other metals? Are they godbone? If so, do different gods produce different kinds of metal? Do Sky gods have golden bones? Do trolls have lead bones? If not, where do other metals come from?



    “all” gloranthan metal (except iron?) is from the bones of gods killed during the gods war. Bronze is especially common, because the Storm tribe was especially violent, and travelled a lot.

    Iron was created by the dwarfs to help them combat the other elder races – i’m not sure what the raw materials are, but i’m sure it involves something horrible like the forged flesh of still-living mostali, tempered with the blood of kittens and puppy dogs. Dwarfs are bad news.


    Thanks for confirming that suspicion.

    So what produces silver? There don’t seem to be enough moon-affiliated things to justify its prevalence until a LOT of moon people were killed in the Godtime.

    Roko Joko

    There’s a sidebar early in the GtG. It says all metal is from the bones of gods but doesn’t go into any detail about that except for bronze. For silver, it says it’s “of the Old Gods”. Old Gods is an ambiguous phrase despite being capitalized.

    Harald Smith

    Old Gods likely references the Celestial Court (the 8 original powers) and the combinations of their offspring that were not of the Elements.


    One thing that bothers me about bronze and god bones is the statement on pg 50 of H:G about tin,Tin: The rune metal of Sky, it is rarely enchanted but usually alloyed with copper to make bronze.

    Edan Jones

    You can find bronze in the ground as bones or ore, and create it by alloying copper and tin together. It’s because the air gods associated with bronze were born from the joining of sky and earth as well, that it can be created by alloying those two together.

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