Home Forums Glorantha Glorantha Discussions GenCon 2013 Guide to Glorantha Seminar

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  • #5239
    Jeff Richard

    As promised, here’s the GenCon 2013 Glorantha Seminar, starring Jeff Richard and Rick Meints. Lots of discussion and previews as to what is going to be the in the Guide. Check it out:

    Watch it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzqJPwX7TSE

    Vaughan Cockell

    Once again, as Glorantha is discussed, the scope of it and the themes blow my mind. The Dwarf’s plan, and how they are going about it, is quite phenomenal! It also shows how the God Learners got some of their knowledge, techniques and magical technologies, without proper understanding of them…

    Jim Groves

    God Learners are munchkins! They’re literally bad players and mini-maxers!

    Jim Groves

    Now I want to see the second seminar.. the Future of Glorantha!

    EDIT: Found it~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIXmD9ILgHA


    Sorry if I had difficulty following the Future of Glorantha recording, but I have a question. At the base level for the book, does it include the gods of the nomads of Prax? Thanks.

    Jeff Richard

    Yes. The base level for the book includes Waha, Eiritha, and Storm Bull, amongst many others.

    Jeff Richard

    If anyone wants to do a short summary of the topics discussed, I’m sure it would be greatly appreciated. I know we covered a lot of territory!

    Vaughan Cockell
    Quote from Jim Groves on October 11, 2013, 23:01
    God Learners are munchkins! They’re literally bad players and mini-maxers!

    Plus, in setting, they nicked all their ideas and secrets from the remains of Mostal and the World Machine. Hmm, taking the fully developed technology of another race and trying to use it without any understanding of its underlying principles. That’s gonna go well… 😉

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