Home Forums Gaming in Glorantha Computer Games Dragon Pass on Vassal

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  • #5166
    Sean Foster

    I saw that youtube link on Google+. Is this likely to become available any time, as Nomad Gods currently?

    David Scott

    I’ve pasted Scott’s reply from the G+ comments bellow

    Scott Mayne Aug 20, 2013

    > I don’t think the Dragon Pass version ever appeared.

    I’ve got everything scanned and it’s still on my to-do list. Just haven’t had the time so far this year, but will in the fall.

    Scott’s on here as @pastafarian, you can find him in the members list.

    Sean Foster

    But from the youtube link it seemed like it HAD been finished?

    David Scott

    Let’s see if we can lure @pastafarian in to talk about it.


    Might I ask what VASSAL is?

    David Scott

    “Vassal is a game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games. Play live on the Internet or by email. Vassal runs on all platforms, and is free, open-source software.”


    So if you wanted to play Nomad Gods, you and your opponent(s) would install Vassal, and the Nomad Gods module. Using the rules you have (not included in the Vassal module) do your set up, email the result to your opponent(s). Then would then open it. It would show the board, your setup, moves, dice rolls and so on back and forth. It’s basically a modern version of PBM wargames.


    Scott Mayne

    Hi guys, just found this thread. The YouTube video is for Dragon Pass on another electronic boardgame application, ZunTzu (http://www.zuntzu.com/), and was done by someone else (both the video and the DP conversion). I’m not sure where ZunTzu Dragon Pass is in terms of Moon Design approval.

    I’m the guy who did the Vassal Nomad Gods module. I have everything I need to finish up a Vassal version of Dragon Pass except time, which I should have more of soon. I’ll post updates on my progress and, once MD gives it the thumbs up, announce when it’s available to download from the Vassal site.

    Scott Mayne

    OK over the holidays I’ve begun the process of Vassal’izing Dragon Pass, should be done in a couple weeks or so.

    David Scott

    Excellent news

    Steve Quinn

    Awesome. I will be happy to see it there, that’s for sure.

    Scott Mayne

    Have a screenshot up of some progress so far on Boardgamegeek:


    David Scott

    Could you post the screenshot here so everyone can see, it appears that you need an account on boardgamegeek to see it.

    Scott Mayne

    Oh sorry, never considered that. I’m not sure how to post an image here, do I have to have it hosted somewhere and then link to it?

    Here’s another BGG entry point that will work for non-members, a thread about the module:


    Clicking on the screenshot will open it larger, not as large as the original but it’s viewable.

    Roko Joko


    Scott Mayne

    Still plugging away, making counters takes a while. Only the Lunar and Sartar forces left to do…


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