SoloQuest - Revisited 
[23]  MAD OAKLEY the Illuminate, Image of Flesh Man


Oakley has an unusual attack form. In addition to hitting you, at SR 1 of each round he will ask you a Nysalor Riddle. Nysalor Riddles are bizzarre questions about facets of everyday life, with an unusual answers capable of shocking a person to some very unusual realizations about the world in which they live. Mad Oakley knows four of them: Climb, Scan, Swim and Sneak. Each time he asks you must make a percentage roll for the appropriate skill. If you succeed in your skill roll you have answered the riddle correctly. Replying to Oakley's riddlings is so shocking and stressful to your well-formed beliefs and prejudices that you can't do anything else in a round you answer him successfully. No attacks, parrys, spells or dodging. Meanwhile, Oakley keeps striking at you!

In any round you fail your riddle, you may proceed with melee as normal. If Oakley is Demoralized he can continue riddling, as it does not constitute a "hostile" act. Indeed, Oakley considers his riddles to be positively beneficial.

For each riddle you answer, add 1% to your chance of illumination next Sacred Time. Illumination is described fully in Chaosium's Cults of Terror and the Avalon Hill version Lords of Terror. Oakley will continue riddling you until you answer each of riddles correctly. Only after he has finished his riddles will he cast his spirit magic.

Melee Sequence

  1. Make Statement of Intent
  2. Resolve Oakley's riddles: if you succeed in answering, you can't do anything but reply this round; if you don't you may continue normally
  3. Resolve spells. Remember, Oakley doesn't use his spirit magic until he has finished riddling. He then Heals if neccessary, and casts Bladesharp-3. If he still has trouble penetrating your armour, he'll attempt to dispel your protective magic with his Dispel Magic-3.
  4. Resolve attacks and parries.
Mad Oakley

STR 12 
CON 08 
SIZ 10 
INT 15 
POW 14 
DEX 09 
APP 08

R Leg 01-03 01-04 5/3 
L Leg 04-06 05-08 5/3 
Guts 07-10 09-11 5/4 
Chest 11-15 12 5/4 
R Arm 16-17 13-15 5/3 
L Arm 18-19 16-18 5/3 
Head 20 19-20 5/3

Magic Points: 14 
Fatigue: 20 - 12 ENC = 08 
Dodge: 10% - 12 ENC = 05% 
Hit Points: 09 
Move: 3

Broadsword (1d8+1) A-25% SR-8 Parry-(10)-15% 
Heater (1d6) A-20% SR-9 Parry-(12)-35% 

Skills: Fly 00%. 

Spirit Magic (88%): Bladesharp-3; Dispel Magic-3; Heal-4

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